Sunday, March 24, 2013

"History Of Rap Music"

        This article talks about how music influences peoples lives, and how it has changed with the year's. Its say's that music changes with each generation. Africa musical culture has constantly influenced the changes in American music. It also describes rap as being for black people in a sort of way. Rap has different meanings to people and there lifestyle's, whether its rapping about money, cars, or life. Rap can impact people's lives ,causing some children to be rebellious. Is also points out all the former rap people and there lives of becoming rappers, and the criticism they received.

Theme Song

I picked this song cause it remembered me that every time George, Sam, and Rameck needed help they would call on somebody. Whether it was Carla, there parents, each other, or others. They always would make a way to solve there problems.  This song says that God will make away , and he will make a way when there is no way. I wished these three men would have looked up to God for comforted, and encouragement


Quote: Something unexpected was always threatening to knock me out of the game: family distractions, the results of my first state board exam, the outcome of my initial search for a residency. But through determination, discipline, and dedication, I was able to persevere.  

Sam On Perseverance pg. 221

                     This quote really had an effect on me; I thought all the things as a child of God I have to go through. Things that come my way and try to harm me, get my attention, or even things that try and hinder my relationship with God. The devils try's each and every day to put things in my path to be a stumbling block. Whether it’s me not reading my Bible, not having faith in God, not trusting him, or not remembering what he has done for me. But the thing is having the three D's determination, discipline and dedication God can help to overcome my flesh, and the devil. If I have the determination to get to heaven I have to have faith, and trust God. Always believing that God not I is the only perfect person. Also remembering that God has to discipline me for our sin, because I fall short of his glory each, and every day, and that I am not perfect. I also have to be dedicated in serving the Lord not letting distractions, or problems get in the way. I need to persevere always maintain a purpose for severing the Lord even though I am going to face obstacles, and just remember that God worketh through me.

Giving Back....

                          I think that giving back is very important. I really would love to give back to people that have gave to me; cause they really don't realize what a difference they have made in my life. There are a lot of ways I plan to help people when I get older. I would love to be able to have the money to build community buildings to help youngster with their homework, personal problems, or just make them feel good about themselves. Just have an impact on them that can change their lives. Just be someone that they can talk to you, and show them that I care. We all can make our world a better place by enriching someone lives. Whether you give the money, take them to church, or help them purse their dreams. I want to be able to help a person overcome their failure's, be happy, be successful, and be an over achiever.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Faceing College Obstacles.......

This is my first year going to college and I face obstacles every day. There are a lot of things that get in my way I face peer pressure from my friends. I have a lot of stress on me for all the homework I have to do between all my classes; and I really don't have anyone motivating me to do well. I also feel that I have many more responsibilities than what I had in high school. Another obstacle I face is the transition from being a child to an adult. I am not used to having to do so many studying, and that really is a big thing for me. But I am not going to let these problems hinder me from completing college. I am going to get into the process of studying more, and make myself realize that I am becoming an adult. Try not to get so stressed because of the homework and make the most out of my time. I also want to keep in mind that one day it will be worth it all.

Chapter 8 Peer Pressure!

                I agree with George 100 percent “Friends have more influence on one another lives than almost anyone else does". Hanging out with the wrong people can cause you to get in a lot of trouble. In "The Pact" Rameck and Sam's friends had negative's influence on their lives .They influenced them to do things they shouldn't have done. Their friends influenced them to steal, almost kill someone, and almost lose their dreams of becoming a doctor. They also have friends that have a positive influence on them which was Ms. Carla, and there role models. These people have motivated them, encourage them, boosted them, and cheer for them. From my personal experiences I have had friends that influence me whether it be positive or negative. You think you have to do bad things to seem cool. That's why we have to pick friends that have a good influence on us.

Personal Connection To Chapter's 8 -10



                  In chapter 8 I relate to Remack when he said "he needed motivation”. I think everybody needs motivation to deal with things in their life. There are a lot of things in my life that I feel that I need to be motivated to do because I tend to put things off a lot. Is motivation important? Of course motivation helps you get started, helps you keep moving, and makes you do more than necessary. I really admire Carla for encouraging these three boys to do better in their lives. She made a statement saying "You are doctors," and "You guys have to visualize yourselves as doctors". Saying this boosted their confidence; and motivated them.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Saved April 1st 2012

My Uncle And I

My Mama

Role Models In My Life!

                I  have three role models in my life. I have Jesus has a role model he has saved me and turned my life around. There is no other person on earth so perfect. Jesus guides me and shows me things that I need to run my race. I try each and every day to walk in his foot steps. Jesus is the perfect role model he has been there In the middle night hour when every one else was gone. To me having a role models means looking up to someone who makes wise decisions, does not lie, care's. Jesus fits right in. If you don't know Jesus as your personal savior please ask for forgiveness, and accept him in your life. Next I have my mother she had been my role model all my life she has been there for me through the thick and thin. She has encouraged me to get my education, and has influenced me in everything I do in my life. I can look up to my mommy  and say that she is a person that I want to be like one day. I don't think that there are many people that can say that. As I have watched my mother through the years she has risked her life to take care of me and my sisters. She has earned a education even though she is 34 years of age and has 5 children. Who wouldn't want  a role model like I do. I also have another role model which is my uncle. He is some what like my mother. He is someone I look up to, and he is hard on me to be and do my best in life. He shows me all the things I need to survive in life; and really learns me a lot.


Family Relationship Influence's

Each of these boys had troubling childhood's. Each one of them had  a family member that talked to them about the things they were doing, and the friends that they choose to hang around. They each had a family member to tell them how important getting a education was; and made them get good grades. I think these family members played a big part in these boys lives, cause they wanted someone to look up to. Each had a childhood that was surrounded with drugs and bad memories. Each of them lived poor lives, and there parents struggled paying the bills. The biggest thing that really stood out to me each one of them did not have a good father figuring in there lives.  

Leadership Roles!

       Through out the chapter George, Sam, and Rameck had role models in there lives. Miss Johnson was George's role model he says that " I loved school. My third-grade teacher, Viola Johnson, was largely responsible for that." George also says that he never felt deprived, and that Miss Johnson would say    " Everybody has a chance to go to college,"  " Never say you can't go because of money. Get that degree. You must get that degree". She would take her classes to plays, and introduced them to algebra and Shakespeare. She always made him feel curious about the world I yet to see. Rameck's role model was his martial arts teacher Reggie. Rameck looked up to him and admired that he made a honest living, he didn't do drugs, and took care of himself. He was very cool and was respected by many people for doing good in the community. Rameck also admired that Reggie cause he provided a diversion to kids who could so easily drift into trouble .Sam also has a role model which was changed his life and encouraged which was Carla. I think people should be encouraged to take leadership in a trouble community, cause they have a better chance of helping younger children to change there lives or to make something out of themselves and that can make a difference. People would be amazed at how they can change a young persons life around being someone they can look up to.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Summarize Chapters 4-7 and Give Personal Response

In chapter 4 George talks about how him, Sam and Rameck where meant to become friends. Him and Sam had been friends before Rameck and the immediately realized they enjoyed the same things. In this chapter the boys grade's began to slip, but eventually they began participating in school plays and organizations. Even though they would still goof off. Rameck almost got kicked out of school. Eventually they heard about a program that would pay for them to go to college. George was very excited about it and got Sam and Rameck interested so they made a deal. That they would apply for the college and make something out of themselves become doctor's.  In chapter 5 Rameck shares a experience that almost cost him the rest of his life, cause of the influence's of his bad friends. Rameck and his friends beat a crack head and stabbed him. Rameck had to do probation. In chapter 6 Sam shares a experience that almost changed his life also. Him and his friends tried to rob drug dealers, and got caught. In chapter 7 George talks about there application for college and graduating  high school. They all three were accepted to Seton Hall. Rameck was always accepted to Howard University , but later realized that he could not afford it . They all had interviews and ask lots of questions. George also talks about all the peer pressure that came from his friends, but some how in managed not to give in. I have really enjoy reading these chapters cause they realized that life was to short to and that anything could mess up there chance's of succeeding.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Personal Response to the Reading

This is very important cause people take their life for granted. They don't set back and wonder what others have to go through or things they have to endure. When you read a book like this about being in bad neighborhoods, divorcing parents, drugs, violence, and not having opportunity to make better decision's . This makes you feel very sad about the way people have to grow up and; makes you realize that when you are going through bad things in life someone else is always doing worse than you are. So don't burden yourself with such worries. So far this book makes me want to make sure in the future that my children have the opportunity to leave in a sable living environment, don't have parents that do drugs, don't have to set in the house with no electricity ,and don't have to endure the things the George, Sam, and Rameck had to face in their teenage years. But if it be GOD's will I will make sure of it.

Summary Of The Weeks Reading

This week I have read the first three chapters of " The Pact". This book is different from others I have read ,because each chapter has a different author. Chapter one talks about George. He had big dreams, and leaved in bad neighborhoods . He didn't really have his father in his life. He loved school ,and his favorite place was the playground. Chapter two talks about Sam. His middle name is Marshall , and he had long hair. His mama cut his hair and put it in a Bible. His mama never learned to read and his pop loved music. His mama was known has the mother of the entire neighborhood. His mama and pop got a divorced. They ended up on welfare , cause there mother had to education. He had to generation of siblings, and loved playing ball in. Chapter Three talks about Remeck. He was very close with his grandmother and his mom and dad was on drugs. His dad was in jail, and he had had a job . Even though his dad was on drugs he would give him is last dime if he needed it. These boy's lived a bad life as they were growing up.

Personal Definition of Success With Real Life Examples.

I personal think that success means an accomplishment of a persons goals. Although there can be many definitions for it I  Have many examples of success. For instance my mother is 34 years of age and attends RCC, and she works. She has to take care of 5 children and kept up the house while going to school. She has been gong to school now for 3 years, and in  May she will graduate. This is success even though she is 34years of age, 5 children, and works she still manages to succeed. Another example of success is my aunt Lucy. Its not  success dealing education, but success of dealing with drugs which accomplished a goal. She has been on drugs all her life about 30 years for a estimate. She recently got  off drugs and was doing well , but messed up. She then got locked up and only stayed for about a week. This time she said she was not doing any more drugs cause she was tried of living her life the way she was. This is success cause she has so far continued to be drug free, and accomplished this goal, and I am very proud of her. So always follow your goals in life and succeed beyond.

Personal Introduction and Purpose

Hey my name is lakisha locklear, I am 18 years of age.    I recently graduated Purnell Swett High School in the 2012. I current attend RCC (Robeson Community College). I have a total of 4 class, and my major is Nursing. My mother is Tonya Lockear, dad Raymond Locklear. I also have 4 younger siblings by the names tylia, adrain, brandi, breanna. I currently leave with my uncle Nelson. I work at least 22 hours a week at Piggy Wiggly in  Red Springs.  I'm currently in Eng. 080 and our assignment is to make a blog on the book "The Pact" by Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt. As we read each chapter we are to post things about each chapter so enjoy.